Tuesday 30 June 2015


At this moment Nettl of Newark are updating my website so it is compatible with all screens including mobile.

 My website is there primarily to give information on developmental programmes which help children with learning. The children may have a label such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, autistic spectrum , dyspraxia  or just be underachieving in school and unhappy. Developmental delay is a part of all labels and although  addressing this  is not a 'cure all' it is a starting point in helping reduce difficulties and adverse behaviours that may be affecting the children.

 EASIE is a programme for use in schools which can address developmental progress in a fun way with a whole class of children together. Learning readiness is vital for children in the school setting because learning is something children do  themselves. Teachers teach but children learn. We have good teachers but to get the best results for all, the children need to be developmentally ready for learning.

Primary Movement and  TLP or Listening training programme are two programmes which can be used with both children and adults, to great effect.

Adults can also benefit from input  because problems of children can run into adulthood and impede progress in later life.

Education in early years should not be about reading and writing until the children are developmentally ready for it. Asking children to take on cognition too early sets the children up for failure, lowers self esteem , reduces motivation  and produces unhappy children who underachieve. We need a change of attitude to change results rather than changes in curriculum and grading schemes.

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