Friday, 18 September 2009

The conference 'Children Matter' went well. It showed overwhelmingly that listening and movement interventions raise achievements and do so much more across the labels, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADHD, autism and underachievement.
I've put my study on autism and the listening programme, showing how auditory skills improve with intervention, on my website. I've also put up the poster on Down Syndrome which was presented at The World Symposium for Down Syndrome 2009 in Dublin. The graphs appear missing on the website though they show on my updater so will have to address that this next week. Have still to put up case studies for different labels.
The idea is to show how integration of reflexes and improving auditory skills help all children , whatever the label. If these were addressed for all it would be possible to look at what else remains. Naming speed improves for all with interventions and labels.
It goes to prove that achievement can be raised through developmental programmes even where there is no extra teaching intervention. Where there is a large deficit in achievement, teaching would help bridge the gap because. the developmental programmes only make the children more effective learners, they do not teach the child.
I came into this work not because we had bad teachers but rather the reverse. We had good teachers but, despite this, some children underachieved.
We can prevent a lot of the problems by putting in developmental programmes in early years. EASIE addresses not only development but listening and it has been useful in nursery, key stage 1 , special schools for autistic and schools catering for traumatised children. OFSTED have approved the use when they have inspected schools using EASIE.
I do not deal with labels as they serve only as an excuse for poor performance. I would far rather see children going through developmental programmes and overcoming their difficulties so they are no longer unable to read at THEIR appropriate level, and can process at an average speed or above , no longer suffer from clumsiness or be derided for their lack of sporting ability. I want them to go on as adults functioning as others , not needing someone at their side to counsel them etc .
Training to cope with reading and number has its place but, after intervention, because it does not increase speed or deal with so many of the other aspects of any label.
I have just taken the Chair of The Developmental Practioners Association . This is a body open to all who work in the developmental field, all allied professions and parents. The aim is to raise the profile of developmental work so all children shall benefit not just those fortunate enough to have parents with the knowledge and the money to go private.
This is something which should be a part of teacher training and should be included in all schools.
There is just no truth in saying that nothing can be done for the children with a variety of labels or otherwise. There may not be a cure for all aspects but with developmental programmes many children would be able to stand unaided when they reach the adult world. With more and more children suffering problems it is a matter of urgency to address the difficulties.
The DPA can be found at

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