Sunday, 4 October 2009

Graphs etc

The graphs are now in. Those from the Down Study are a bit random in size but the study can also be viewed at The Down Library.
I have included the selection of case studies in order to help people to be aware that the prospects for children are not set in stone. There are improvements that can be made.
To me it is vitally important that we address underachievement as well as the different labels because these children of higher intelligence are vital to the prosperity of the country in the future and they will be the ones with the responsibility for providing for those less able to fend for themselves.
In a letter published in The Times newspaper and also in an article in their debate section a few years ago I suggested that children who cannot succeed in education express their frustration in adverse behaviours both introverted and extroverted, leading to expenditure in the public sector on health, justice and social care to deal with anti social behaviour and other effects of failure to achieve. In some cases the problems are handed down from generation to generation and in others they are emerging anew. When I see a child achieve I see changes in the whole family as a result.
The Government has shown initiative in raising the effectiveness of the teacher and addressing the social side with Sure Start and these are both very important parts of the education system but, results have been seen to plateau. The effectiveness of the child as a learner is the missing link. Learning is not done to the child but the child has to actively participate. They need to be ready for learning. Introducing training earlier does not address the problem of the ineffective learner but rather compounds the problem.
There is much evidence to support developmental intervention but it is ignored and by inference this discredits it. We concentrate on labelling children and coping strategies but we can and should , in my opinion, be doing a lot more.
Want to see a bit about this for yourselves and you could look at Utube, 'Moving Towards Success' which gives a glimpse of what can be done using developmental programmes
illustrated by examples of real people in real schools.

Case studies

I have uploaded my case studies across the labels but still no graphs included. This is in the process of being sorted so hopefully will be done this next week . Apologies.
Even without the graphs the message is that, using Primary Movement and, listening training from ABT, there are improvements for all in the academic area, naming speed etc. whatever the label.
Early intervention using such programmes as EASIE can start remediation from nursery up and avoid children experiencing demoralising failure whilst waiting for that point of assessment for a label, not that a label remediates the problem.